Evolutionary Design Systems
I have recently had the privilege to speak about Evolutionary Design Systems at the last Thoughtworks’ XConf Europe. If you are either a mantainer or a consumer of a Design System check out the recording of my talk below.
Here is the full abstract:
In recent years, Design Systems have become increasingly important to manage design at scale and build cohesive UIs efficiently. In reality, however, many companies still struggle to establish Design Systems which get adopted across their product teams. As a result, designers and engineers end up reinventing the wheel over and over again – while customer experience and time to market take a hit. Why is that the case? Can it be fixed? And if so, how?
Giamir Buoncristiani shares his experience on how to engineer appealing Design Systems for product teams. Inspired by a combination of Product Thinking and Evolutionary Architectures*’ principles learn how to establish technical component libraries which solve real problems for engineers while standing the test of time.
#designsystems #evolutionaryarchitecture #productthinking